Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 1st Blogging Award

WOW, Dorte is so kind. She awarded me the "Your Blog is Fabulous" Award!

Dorte, is a fellow book lover in Denmark. So I guess I can say I am an international winner...LOL. Thank you so much for your kindness. Now I truly must do better.

Believe it or not, I think about the blog everyday. Most mornings on my way to work, I think "today I will just do a quick post on XYZ. "The next thing I know I am in the car the next morning, fussing with myself about the fact, I did not post anything the day before. I am seriously considering the idea of buying a bluetooth just so I won't look so odd arguing with myself in the car, but I digress.

I am asked to award another newbie blogger, however all of the wonderful folks I read are experienced pros. So I will pass on the honor to encourage another newbie as soon as I can.

Thanks again Dorte.


  1. Congrats on your blog award!

    Oh my word you are as bad as me!!!! Your last post made me giggle, they are called phases im reliably informed by my hubby-to-be! I'm a gardener this month myself, but thinking that being a dog trainer would be pretty cool as well! The only hobby I have really kept up since a child is reading!

    So your all set to grow pretty flowers! Its lovely watching them peek through as seedling and hopefully mature into something stunning (I haven't got to that stage yet myself!) so really hope you enjoy your new passion!

    Linzi x x
